Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal # 3

Bullying is a crime worse then murder, and it deserves harsher penalties. Agree or disagree? Give 5 ways you think we can prevent bulling in high schools.

Do I think bullying is a crime worse then murder? I definitely think it can seem that way to a person. It can totally be categorized as a form of mental torture. I think murder is in a league of its own though. While bullying effects one person individually (unless of course they commit suicide). Murder effects everyone that was close that individual that was killed. It's the act of taking someone's life away, never letting them see their loved ones again and do the things they love. Murder is definitely its own beast, but that doesn't mean bullying should be taken lightly.

I think we should enact harsher laws to try and prevent bullying from happening. From the article I read it seems like things are starting to go in the right direction, but, I wouldn't be opposed to jail time being a valid option, especially is suicide does indeed happen because of it. These kids just think they can get away with anything, just to look cool in front of their friends, but I don think they realize what kind of impact they are having on the individual getting bullied, that or they don't care. I'm not going to pretend like i have all the answers to stop bullying form happening, but I can do my best to give a few ideas that I think would help the problem.

1. Better Education - I think a lot of bullying has to do with plain old ignorance. People like to dismiss things they don't understand, even hate because of it. If society starts putting emphasis on teaching about the differences of others early on, it could help to prevent bullying.

2. Harsher Penalties - I talked about this previously, but obviously if jail time was a valid possibility I think a lot of people would cool it down in fear of getting in trouble.

3. School Uniforms - This one is kind of simple, but sometimes kids at school begin to get made fun of because of the clothes they wear. School uniforms ensure everyone is wearing the same thing so it kind of counter acts that.

4. Speaking up - If more people spoke up to bullies when someone was getting teased I think it would stop the bully in his tracks. People need to be a bit more courageous, and its for me to say, but I really think if everyone spoke up when they saw it happening, it would end it once and for all.

5. Better Observation - Teachers need to be more observant to bullying and know what to look for to help stop it, this includes parents as well.

Wow, I wrote a lot haha

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