Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Journal # 4

When a child kills, does he instantly become an adult? or does he maintain some trappings of childhood, despite the gravity of his actions? In stances of crime, does a child ever stop being a child? and if yes, when?

I think when a child commits murder they still retain all of their innocence, at least for the moment. There isn't some on and off switch that is triggered when you kill someone that makes you an adult instantly. Usually when a child kills someone i guarantee it was an accident or they didn't understand the gravity of their actions. If it wasn't on accident and they knew what they were doing, then I think that has more to do with the way they were brought up and they may be sadly robbed of their childhood innocence already.

I think what really makes a child an adult is life. The highs and the lows. The good times and the bad, love and loss. Some people mature faster then others, I think this is because they have experienced more things in life. This is why I don't think the child would instantly become an adult once the crime was committed. The after effect of their crime though would definitely make their road to adulthood much shorter.

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